
We are your technology solution centre for Rural High Speed Internet Solutions, Satellite TV, Cell Boosters
and CSA Approved Residential and Commercial Towers up to 100 feet.
For more information on packages and promotions please call us 888.860.1639 or fill out the form below.

Cell Booster solutions –


Mobile Units Mobile X1 or Mobile X2
Stealth X2 (60), Stealth X2 (65), Stealth X2 (70), Stealth X2 (75)
Stealth Z1(60), Stealth Z1 (65), Stealth Z1 (70)
2way splitter
Additional Antenna
Splitter input cable


Mobile – Uniden U50 Uniden 60
Uniden 65 and Uniden 70



For more information regarding technology solutions for your residence please fill out all required fields.
Note that this sign up form is for Residential Customers. If you wish to inquire about
a Small Business please click here.

First Name:*

Last Name:*



Postal Code:*

Telephone Number:*

Email address:*

Do You Rent or Own Your Home?*

Rural Civic Address:* (driveway number)

Sec-Twn-Range:* (ex: SW-7-12-9E)

What Services Are You Interested In?*

Rural High Speed InternetSatellite TVCell BoostersTowers

How Did You Hear About Us?*

Refer A Friend: (Optional)

Friend's Email Address: (Optional)